Title IA Services

What is Title IA?    
Title IA provides grant money to state and local educational agencies to meet the needs of children who require additional help to learn.

The goal of Title IA is to provide instructional support to at-risk children so that they may meet learning standards and become life-long, self-directed learners.  Title IA may provide additional teachers, smaller support classes, parent activities and resources, professional development for school staff, and other support services.

Download MSAD 75 Title IA Program brochure

Which MSAD 75 schools does Title IA serve?

Schools qualify for Title IA funds based on the percentage of children who qualify for the federal free and reduced lunch program.  In MSAD 75, four of our elementary schools are supported by Title IA funds:  Bowdoin Central School, Bowdoinham Community School, Harpswell Community School and Woodside Elementary School.

Schools supported by Title IA:

  • Identify the students at their school who need the most educational assistance based on the criteria that school has chosen.  Students do NOT have to be from low income families to receive Title IA services.
  • Set goals for improving the skills of identified students at their school.
  • Develop programs for each individual student in order to support/supplement regular classroom instruction.
  • Measure student progress to determine the success of the Title IA programming for each student.

How can I find out more?

Please contact Amanda Hersey, Assistant Superintendent of Schools at (207) 729-9961 or [email protected].  If your child attends one of the schools supported by Title IA (see above), you may also wish to contact the building principal.

 Additional Resources    

National PTA's Guides to Student Success

      Click on a grade level: 
 1  2  3  4  5 

National PTA® created the guides for grades K-8.  The Guides include:

  • Key items that children should be learning in English languarge arts and mathematics
  • Acitivities that parents can do at home to support their child's learning
  • Methods for helping parents build strong relationships with their child's teacher

Maine Department of Education
NCLB Title IA Program
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