State Assessment FAQs

This page is designed to help families understand the Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MECAS)

Q: Where can I see results from previous assessments?
The ESSA Data Dashboard provides public access to student performance data on Maine's Educational Assessment (MEA's)

Q: Should my child take the tests?

A: Assessing student learning is an essential aspect of education, as it provides data that can lead to improved instruction and outcomes. Assessments take many forms, and each type of assessment has distinct value and purpose in a comprehensive assessment system. For more information on why participation matters see: Why Participation Matters

The Maine DOE is required by Maine Statutes 20-A, Section 6209, and by the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act to assess all students in grades 3-8 and at one point in high school in the content areas of mathematics and English language arts (ELA)/literacy.

Q: What are the names of all the new tests and the content/grade level each cover?

A: ELA and Math will be assessed using the Maine Through Year Assessment. Science will be assessed using the New Meridian Science Assessment. The Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MECAS) offers equivalent alternate assessments (for students with documented significant disabilities).

General Education Alternate Grades

MEA Math & Reading Maine Through Year Assessment

MEA Alternate MSAA 3rd-8th & 2nd year high school
MEA Science MEA Alternate Science PAAP 5th, 8th, 3rd year high school
ACCESS for ELLs (English Language Learners)

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

(English Language Learners)



Q: Is the assessment aligned to the Maine Learning Results?
A: The Maine Learning Results are the State standards for eight content areas and are periodically reviewed to ensure they are aligned to better prepare our students for success in college and career readiness.

Q: Can you clarify state law and federal law regarding opt-out and the process/procedure for families wishing to opt-out?
A: Federal statute requires that parents receive notification indicating their right to request the District's policies and procedures regarding student participation in state and local assessments. When this information is requested, the district will provide all applicable information to families. The District should be prepared to provide families with their assessment-related policies and procedures. This would include non-participation (opt-out) procedure if the District and school has such a procedure in place.

MSAD No. 75 utilizes all assessment data to help inform our practices at the district, school, classroom and individual levels for our students. Although we encourage students and parents to participate fully in our assessment program, it is important to note that parents/guardians may opt their child out of state testing. If you are interested in doing so, please also reach out to your child's principal to make this request in writing.

Q: Will the assessment be paper-based or online? 
A: The assessment will be online.

Q: What are the assessment dates for the 23-24 school year?
A. Click here to view the assessment calendar.


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