In order to provide reasonable notice of the business to be conducted and to achieve consistency in the order of its meetings, the Board has adopted the following agenda format for its regular and special meetings. Additions and/or adjustments to the agenda for a particular meeting may be made during that meeting in accordance with Board policy. The agenda format may be altered only by vote of the Board and in a manner consistent with its policy adoption process.
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3.1. Adjustments to the agenda
3.2. Public participation
3.3. Recognitions
3.4. Board announcements and correspondence
4. Approval of the minutes
5. Old Business
6. New Business
7. Committee reports and Board chair’s report
8. Superintendent’s report
9. Calendar/announcements
10. Adjournment
The order of business may be altered or items added or deleted from the agenda by a majority vote of the Board members present and voting.
Cross Reference: BEDB – Agenda
BEDH – Public participation at Board meetings
FIRST REVIEW: March 27, 2014
SECOND REVIEW: April 10, 2014