File IHBAK: Do Not Resuscitate


A primary concern of all District employees shall be student health and safety.  In emergency situations involving accident or illness, employees shall be reasonably expected to render first aid and life-sustaining to the extent of their knowledge and training, and to seek assistance of school medical personnel or other staff members more knowledgeable than themselves, and of emergency medical resources available in the community.

In the event of receipt of a written “DNR” requested submitted by the student’s parent/guardian and physician, a Pupil Evaluation Team (PET) meeting is to be convened as soon as practical.  The purpose shall be to review the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and current placement to determine appropriateness.  The District physician shall be consulted and other specialist consultations shall be obtained as appropriate.  The program in effect at the time of the request shall remain in effect in accordance with applicable law and regulation, unless and until changed by the PET or by following due process procedures.

In the event that parent and physician can demonstrate to the PET that special circumstances justify an individualized emergency response a specific response plan may be developed for life-threatening situations.  It shall include all appropriate life-sustaining activities, but may describe emergency procedures appropriate to the individual student.  Specialists shall be included in the development of the plan and in training for implementation as needed.  Any specific response plan must be adopted by the PET and signed by all members.

It is the intent of the Board that no student be denied full, genuine and appropriate efforts to preserve life and health.  Any specific response plan must be fully justified on the basis of truly exceptional circumstances.

FIRST READING:               November 21, 1996
SECOND READING:          December 12, 1996
ADOPTION:                        December 12, 1996
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