File JLD: Guidance and Counseling


The focus of the counseling and guidance program in the school system is on the developmental needs of all students.

Counselors demonstrate respect for the dignity and worth of each individual and encourage each student to develop individual responsibility and decision-making skills.  Counselors coordinate the school guidance program and involve all staff members in designing and implementing plans to meet three major goals.

A. EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Students will participate in planning their educational experiences that are consistent with educational requirements and career aspirations;

B. PERSONAL/SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT – Guidance and counseling will create programs that engage students to develop appropriate behaviors for a variety of social settings, developing awareness of self and confidence in their own abilities in order to enhance their career and development; and

C. CAREER DEVELOPMENT – Guidance and counseling will develop and create programs which will assist students to develop skills to consider career options and set goals consistent with their interests, abilities and values, focusing on the four areas of vocation, avocation, family life and citizenship.

Within the framework of the counseling and guidance responsibility, the counselor enters into professional relationships with three segments of the school community:  students, school personnel and parents/guardians.  Consistent with the rights of the individual and the obligations of the counselors as professionals, the counseling relationship and resulting information is, in most instances, protected as privileged communications.  When appropriate, counselors will be responsible for explaining the ramifications of confidentiality to students, parents and teachers.

Legal reference:  Title 20A, MRSA, Section 4008

FIRST READING:               March 13, 1998
SECOND READING:          March 26 1998
ADOPTION:                        March 26, 1998
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