FAQs About Permission to Publish

Frequently Asked Questions About Permission to Publish

1. If I grant permission for my child's work or photographs to be published will his / her name be included with his / her picture or work?

Elementary students will have only their first name and the name of the school included with any work or photographs published on the Internet.

Middle school and high school students will have only their first name, their grade level / team, and the name of the school included with any work or photographs published on the Internet.

2. What kinds of student work might be published?

Student work that might be published includes but is not limited to works such as art work, multimedia work, video, podcasts, and written work.

3. The permission to publish form does not distinguish between work or photos published to newspapers and work or photos published to the Internet. Why?

In this digital age, we can no longer say work or photos published in newspapers will only be published in newspapers. Photos and work sent to newspapers can be easily scanned and made digital by anyone once it appears in the newspaper. The ability to upload digital work to the Internet is easy.

4. What should I do if I did not give permission to publish my child's photo or work and it is published?

Please contact the school administrator to request the photo or work be removed from the site.

5. What should I do if I change my mind and no longer want my child's photo or work published?

Please contact the school administrator to make this request.

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